Thursday, September 18, 2008

Look at the Louse, Look at the Louse

It is true of every society that the dominant culture is blind to itself... does not recognize its own "isms" nor even consider the existence of "isms" in its day-to-day functioning. And so we are very much at risk, as white people, even white people who attempt to be vigilant about human rights and responsibilities to be racist, to perpetuate an imbalance of power, and to react with wide-eyed disbelief if someone suggests that we might want to take a look at ourselves.

There is, I believe, an equally if not more more insidious and dangerous process in motion right now though. By choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate (assuming that it was not just the result of a temper tantrum when he was told he couldn't have Joe Lieberman), the McCainRoveBush cohort set in motion a spectacular and very effective distraction.

Since the announcement of her candidacy, Sarah has been a great focus of everyone's attention. We're talking about her field-dressing moose capacities, her tanning bed, her ignorant, deer-caught-in-the-headlights responses to questions about the Bush doctrine. We're criticizing her parenting skills, her ambition and her treatment of friends and colleagues. And while too many of us are caught up in reading about or writing about the next Sarah story, the market is crashing as a result of Republican policies, young men and women are being sacrificed to war as the result of Republican decisionmaking, children aren't getting the healthcare they need, people are losing their homes, more people than ever are living on the street, and.... and this is the important piece.... McCainRoveBush is taking the lead in the polls!

The Republicans have tossed a grouse up into the air and shouted "Hey, LOOK AT THE GROUSE!!!" and we've all turned to look at the grouse.

Sarah is not competent to be the Vice President of the United States. It really is that simple.... let's be done with it.

A McCainRoveBush presidency will tip the political balance further in favor of the already-too-powerful corporate interests in the form of ongoing tax benefits and bailouts, will have full influence over the Supreme Court, and.... in this anniversary of the Constitution week, will continue to strip away the hard-won rights that we claim to treasure.

If we're worried about Sarah or McCainRoveBush, let's turn that worry into political action and refocus our attention on the political issues facing this Country. Let's insist on debates that address the issues, demand that political leaders answer questions..... and if we have time, try to figure out what Dick Cheney's been doing while we've been looking at the grouse.

Good luck!
Mary Gregorio

Saturday, September 6, 2008


At the conclusion of the Republican Party's conventions there is a sea of contradicting statements vs. actions in which the voters may swim (or drown).

We heard Sarah Palin state that she would impose a no-choice imperative on pregnant woman of any age even in the case of rape or incest. Shortly before that, we heard her announce that her teenage daughter had decided to keep her baby "by her own choice". She stated that she and her husband permitted their daughter to make that choice.

A little later, we were presented with a resolute appearing John McCain telling us that he would always stick to his guns and chose the right course for the good of Americans. This was shortly after he subverted his better judgment to nominate John Ridge or Joe Lieberman as his vice-presidential pick.

Their is, in my opinion no better or more immediate repudiation of his assertion as a maverick. John McCain will bend to the will of the conservative Republican power structure when push comes to shove.